Wednesday, January 26, 2011


 Job 34 - 37

Job 36:16 “He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food.”

“He is wooing you…” Ladies, how many times have we thought possibly even said we want to be wooed?  I know I say it regularly.  The idea of having a man do things to entice us to want to be with him, around him, fall for him, etc.  A man who wants to take us to dinner.  A man who wants to go for romantic walks.  A man who wants to listen to us when we talk about our day.  A man who will be our rock and just hold us telling us everything will be okay.  I have good news ladies… HE is wooing you!  HE has a table for us to sit at and eat plenty.  HE will walk with us, better yet, HE will carry us on the walk if we are weak that day.  HE romances us in a way no mortal man could.  HE listens to every word that we speak or think.  HE wants so badly to be our rock.  To hold us and tell us everything will be okay because HE knows it will.  I am guilty of loosing site of this.  Forgetting that I should be more worried about Him wooing me than a mortal man wooing me.  Remembering that the two should woo similarly.  That the mortal man should woo me with the same ideals as He does.  The wooing should be parallel, not perpendicular. It is so easy to let society dictate what the wooing should look like and man o man what true lady would want what the majority of society trained men are offering.  Ladies, if you are a God fearing woman, own up to your part of the wooing.  Be a lady of the Lord and wait for the parallel wooing!  I am challenging myself to do just that, please join me!

God at Age 8

Day 23 – Job 29 - Job 32

Job 32:7-9 “I thought, ‘Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.’ But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.  It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right.”

This is an interesting concept.  As we grow up we are told to do believe people because they are older than us and wiser than us.  This verse challenges that school of thought.  I believe this verse is right on when it comes to wisdom of the spirit.  It is not always the elders of a community who feel the spirit within them and have knowledge to share in regards to their experiences or what God has shown them.  In my journey with God many people younger than me (some a few years yet others many years) have shown me God’s heart in many ways which someone older than me would probably never be able to show me.  For example:  my nephew.  For anyone who knows Tristan knows he has just about the biggest heart one could ever have.  He has a lot of changes going on in his life right now and he may not speak to it, but he can feel it.  It is in the small quiet moments that someone would be able to see God through this 8 year old boy.  In the last year while his life has had major changes to it, I have seen him grow into a young man (yes at age 8) and although he may not realize it he has shown God’s love every time I have seen him.  No it has nothing to do with my bias opinion of my nephew either… lol. :) I remember once Tristan could tell I was tense, upset, confused, unsure of what to think and he asked me “Stephanie why aren’t you smiling?”  I told him “Well Tristan, that would take a lot right now.  Got a lot going on, buddy, ya know?” Tristan’s reply was this “Well Stephanie, it is easy to smile.  Just remember I love you more than anyone. Well, except for Jesus.” As he said this he gave me a hug.  I smiled and said “Tristan if I always remember that I will always have a reason to smile! Thank you lil g!”  Then we played crazy 8s.  This little boy, so innocently and without knowing it spoke years of wisdom to me on that afternoon.  Yes many people older than me tell me Jesus loves me, but when you hear it from an 8 year old… wow!  I have seen God so much in Tristan over the last year and I praise God because it means I know He is with Tristan during all the changes going on in his life!  Praise God!  Ever since that afternoon, I have listened to Tristan more intently and other children I talk to as well.  One never knows when God’s words will come to you in the smallest and most precious ways.  I challenge you to pay attention to those younger than you, you never know when God may have something to say to you through them!