Day 13 - Genesis 50:15-26 & Job 1:1-15
Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Joseph, through God’s grace, was able to see past the evil in his brothers’ hearts when they sold him to the Egyptians and see the good God made happen. This is a hard thing to do and only with God’s help are we able to do this. When evil things happen to us, it is hard to know why or see any possible good being able to come from it. However, with God and time positive things can happen from the negative. When I was in college, something I held very dear to my heart was taken from my body. This evil event took a toll on me and I did not handle it with the best decisions or with God. I stepped away from every root and belief I had and blamed God. It took many bad decisions and lots of time for me to realize that God was still working on my heart and doing all He could and I would allow to turn this negative into a positive. He used many people in my life and many signs. Finally, I was AWAKEN and I was able to see the positive from the negative. It was only when I looked through God’s eyes I saw all the positive in myself that may not have been there without the negative. I do not believe God made the negative happen, but I believe God made the negative into a positive. A very important distinction! What positives have come from negatives in your life? Look closely with the eyes of God, you will see it!
Great questions SIL :) I really appreciate your vulnerability and honesty. It takes a lot of trust and courage to see God in the midst of a deeply painful experience. Jospeh's story is incredible in the sense that through it all, he trusted that God had a plan. It's a powerful reminder God never forgets about us. He knows what he's doing :)