Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Every Moment and Encounter

Colossians 4:5-6

This is the verse of the day from my "Holy Bible" app and although I read Leviticus for my Bible in chronological order plan, I wanted to touch on these verses instead because I feel they are speaking directly to me! After reading many different translations of this,I have chosen to use The Voice translation:

"Be wise when you engage with those outside the faith community; make the most of every moment and every encounter.  When you speak the word, speak it gracefully (as if seasoned with salt), so you will know how to rightly respond to everyone." 

So how many times are you in a conversation with someone when you are at a loss for words?  How many times are you not at a loss for words, but maybe they are not the most appealing words?  Of those times (either), how many times are you discussing your faith?  How many times are you in conversation with those outside your faith, whether discussing faith or not?  These verses apply to all of those differing scenarios as well as scenarios not even mentioned.  For me, these verses apply to my every day life.

When we read these verses, it tells us as believers to "make the most of every moment and every encounter"  we may have with anyone outside our community of believers.  When we reflect on our lives we will see these moments and encounters are coming to us all day long.  It could be your cube neighbor at work, the person in front of you at the grocery store line, the cashier at the gas station, the man or woman you are in a dating relationship with, your neighbor, the call center agent at the student loan company, a first date, and the list could go on and on.  As we reflect on who these folks could be, we should also be reflecting on how we are representing Jesus.

As a single woman, this scripture hits home when meeting someone for the first time who may or may not be a believer.  There is a point in all my initial conversations where faith comes up and how they answer determines how the conversations may go from there.  However, it isn't always that cut and dry.  Generally the conversation does NOT go like this:
Me: Are you a Christian?
Man: No
Me: Okay.  I don't believe this will work out for us, but I wish you the best.  Please feel free to join us at worship any Sunday morning!

That would almost be too easy and it wouldn't provide me with any learning experiences, which I have grown to love throughout my dating life. :)  This is an example of how it might really go:
Me: So your profile says you are spiritual, but not religious.  What does that mean for you?
Man:  I believe in a higher power, but not necessary your God.  You are Christian, right?
Me:  My God?  Yes, I am a Christian.
Man:  Yes, your God.  After a lot of research and learning and life experiences, I am not comfortable saying that I believe in something just because that was how I was raised.  I know there is something up there, so I consider myself an Agnostic.  If I do good things and treat people right, I am okay.  Can you really say you are comfortable believing in your parents' religion just because that is how you were raised?
     Me staring at man with a smile on my face trying to mask all the different responses running through my head and the quick prayer I pray, which seems to take forever.
     Me breathing slowly giving the prayer time to settle. As well as trying super hard not to burst out in reaction to his question.
     Me smiling and thinking to myself "holy interesting conversation batman, tread lightly and boldly".
     Man with an unsure and almost nervous look on his face.
     Me smiling.  One last breath and go...

Me:  In my situation, it is MY belief.  About 12 years ago I left the church community.  Lived a life that is not how I am choosing to live my life today.  Lived a life that was different than how my parents raised me, how their beliefs and religion would say I should have been living my life.  I did my research.  I was where you are now for quite a long time, thinking/saying "if I live by the golden rule, I will be okay".  Thing is, I wasn't.  I was on a downward spiral, living life for the flesh.  Living a life that was destroying me from the inside out.  In the last 2 years I have still been researching and still learning and still experiencing life, but I have come to a conclusion:  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life!  So are my beliefs and the religion I have the same as how I was raised, yes mostly, but they are MY BELIEFS.  I believe in Him!  It is just lucky for me, it is mostly the same as my parents.

     Man looking at me with a look of, interesting little lady.
     Me breathing again, but still all smiles.  However, wondering, did I say too much or enough or in the right tone or no.  Crap, now because of me he will remain Agnostic and never know the love I know. Thoughts still being hid by a smile (I hope anyway).

Man:  Hmmm

     Me smiling

Man:  I am trying to think of a way to get out of this topic, but I can't.

Yes, this is an actual conversation that happened on a first date with a man just a few weeks ago.  Even as I type my response to him, I wonder if it was 'right'.  Then I reread the scripture and come to some sort of a conclusion.  The only time I referred to scripture was quoting Jesus saying He is the way, the truth, and the life and it was accurate. Whew!  My tone was that of someone telling a story, if you will, my story (which I am told is good to share when speaking with non believers).  I was smiling the entire time and spoke from the heart.  So I think I did okay.  The man was clearly uncomfortable with the conversation after that since he wanted to change the subject, but I am unsure how to have responded differently to make him comfortable.  When speaking with anyone where there is different opinion present in each party, isn't it always a bit uncomfortable?  To say the least, there was not a 2nd date with this man, but that is okay.  I am okay with it not working out with a man, there is no harm in that!

I had a debriefing with someone I trust in my church community and she was able to help me see I responded as best I could in the moment.  We spoke of other ways to have responded or other things I could have said, for when the situation arises again.  We even spoke of next steps with him.  Having someone within your church community, who you trust to be able to bounce these sorts of conversations, is very important.  Without her, I wouldn't be so comfortable and feel more ready for the next conversation.

"...make the most of every moment and every encounter..."  This just keeps jumping out at me from the scripture.  I may not find a husband, let alone a 2nd date, but at least I will be true to myself.  Bonus, I will be able share a little bit of the love I have because I love Jesus with every 1st date. :)

How do you make the most of every moment and every encounter?  Is speaking the word gracefully easy for you?  How do you know what to say in response when giving a question of your beliefs?  These are just a few of the questions I am praying God will help me with!

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