Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On Fire but Not Burning

Exodus 1-6

This is the beginning of the story of Moses. While I read it I heard the song "Pharaoh, Pharaoh" playing over and over again in my head. I could even remember the hand signs that went with it. Reading these chapters got me to thinking; what would I do if God showed up to send me somewhere in a burning bush. A bush, mind you, that is only on fire not actually burning. Would I believe it was God speaking to me? I believe He speaks to me daily, but not through a burning bush and not to tell me to lead many people out of a land run by a mean-spirited man. I am afraid I would doubt He was there. Does that mean He wouldn't speak to me in that manner or does that mean He would try to break through my doubt? I wish that I had faith that I would believe He would try to speak to me in such a manner. Why is it so hard for me to believe He could or even would? I believe myself to be generally optimistic, but why am I so pessimistic in regards to something like this?

Still drawing a blank!

What would you do if God showed up in a burning bush?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello all! I am not really sure how many people actually read this, but I was notified by a dear friend a couple weeks ago that she was concerned I was lost since I hadn't written in such a long time. Physically, no I am not lost, but I have lost my way as far as my attempt to become more balanced. Work has been occupying so much of my time lately that I have not taken the time to take care of ME! I have to get refocused and need to thank my friend for letting me know that I must be lost since there has been a major lack of posts!

I was driving home from Iowa on Sunday and decided to have "church" in my car. So I started listening to Mary Mary. Then I decided to hook my iPhone into the FM Transmitter I bought and deal with having to change stations every 30 miles so I could listen to some of my favorite Christian artists. The first group I listened to was FFH. I love them. So I am driving and jamming when their song "Lord Move, or Move Me" started playing. As soon as I heard the chorus, I knew this song was meant for me at that very moment. I could feel it in my bones and I broke down. Here is the chorus:

"Lord move in a way, that I've never seen before
Cause there's a mountain in the way and a lock on the door
I'm drifting away, waves are crashing on the shore
So Lord move (move), or move me."

As I was reminded, I am drifting and I have been for some time now. I heard this song and it is amazing how clear things seemed to be. Monday I was at the gym. I found the chronological one year Bible on my Bible app on my iPad and I have figured out where I left out and will be putting my life back in order and on track! I am excited again about the change that needs to happen and where it will lead me!

"I once was lost, but am found."