Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Adventure


Recently, I was given the opportunity to have a lot fewer distractions in my life then usual.  At first this seemed to be a negative, but I got to thinking about this and realized it was truly a blessing.  Instead of worrying about where I was going or what I was going to do, I sat back.  I did nothing.  I relaxed.  I played with my cat and dog.  Watched them play.  Watched a lot of TV.  Worked.  Worked.  Worked.  Etc.  Then it hit me one day, "Stephanie work on YOU!"  I realized that although I was happy, i was not equalized.  My triangle was not an equilibrium triangle.  So, I was taken back to my YMCA days and realized that the mission statement, which I had to memorize, was on to something.  I needed to work on all three parts of the triangle mind, body, and spirit.  My mind was definitely worked everyday, but what about a commitment to my body and spirit.  Sure I had my moments of "working out", but never stuck to it.  I had bought "the One Year Bible", but only read two days.  It was time to really get myself equalized.  So I started P90X in the beginning of August.  I would say that was an aggressive move, but I am doing it and actually enjoying it (most of the time).  Today was the day I decided to commit to my spirit.  In order to help I am going to keep this spirit journal to dialog and keep an account of my journey.  My journey of searching... Searching for Stephanie!

In order to help my on this search for Stephanie, I am challenging myself to read the Bible in chronological order in the next 12 months.  Each day I will read a section of the Bible and will identify a verse or verses that spoke to me in one way or the other.  This verse (or verses) will be the motivation for my journal entry.  The biggest challenge will be to take a hard look at myself, challenging myself to be honest and raw with my spirituality and even my emotions.  I invite you to read my journal entries and challenge yourself to do the same.  This adventure will take discipline and dedication, but I am excited for this adventure and hope others may gleam something positive from it!  I pray the Lord will bless this adventure and anyone who chooses to follow my adventure or begin their own.


  1. I will commit to doing what I can to love you through this!


  2. Thank you Tiffany! Your love is a huge motivation for me! :) Love you!!!
