Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Rainbow

Day 2 - Genesis 7-10 & 1 Chronicles 1:5-27

Genesis 9:13 "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth"

So tonight's reading took me to the verse which explains why I love rainbows and why, if you ever see me look at a rainbow, I will look like a smiling buffoon.  To me a rainbow is a way of God's continual communication with us.  God's way of saying I am still here and I still remember this covenant I made a very very long time ago.  When I think about why God destroyed the earth then, I can only imagine how He feels about His creations now.  In a society where so many "evil" things are just accepted and where cursing in a school is more okay then a child praying before a meal, what must God think of us now and what must He be feeling now.  It must be like when a parent watches their child going an "evil" direction and they can't do anything to help or change it.  But God can, so either He isn't or He is and we are ignoring it or maybe there is something big around the corner that God is planning.  Maybe there is a present day Noah building and "ark" for the next "flush" of all evil.  Until then, I am going to be that smiling buffoon when I see a rainbow!

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